Beware of satan’s Parables

A parable is a story, not based on real life but on real-life scenarios, used to illustrate moral or spiritual lessons.

We all know the parables of Jesus Christ and the lessons He wanted us to learn to be physically and spiritually ready for His return. But Christ’s adversary, satan, who wants to equal God, counterfeit everything He has, this includes Christ’s life lessons. However, unlike Christ’s parable, satan’s parable is full of violence and deceitful half-truth lessons.

These so-called entertainments… movies, soap operas, anime, etc., that even Christians are so fond of, these are satan’s parables that slowly, but surely, teach us how to break God’s commandments and discourage us to have a loving relationship with God.

These shows will make you laugh, and cry… they will make you feel all kinds of emotions. The devil will target your inner desires to get you hooked, then they will preach to you the crooked and broken lessons. They will make you feel that it is good to take revenge and feel good to harm people just because they did bad things that offend you. Remember that the bible said to let God fight our battles for us, Jesus even said “whosoever did not sin, cast the first stone” meaning you are not perfect, you too have sinned, so who are you to judge what others people have done? At one point, there are shows that want people to sympathize with satan and make God the one who is wrong and should be hated.

All of us may seem to take these misleading lessons very lightly, or you may say you are confident in your moral ethics that you won’t be affected, but believe it or not, a lot of unlawful acts and self-righteous character that lead to today’s chaotic world is because of these immoral lessons. This is in accordance with the bible saying “even the elect will be deceived”

The devil’s influence in these shows is so apparent but, because they are so entertaining, we subconsciously ignore it. Here are a few videos that will hopefully open our eyes.

Here is a video that exposes a show that openly contradicts God’s teachings, but most people, since it is so entertaining to them, they ignore this fact.
This video shows how successful actors gain their talent to fulfill their roles superbly.
Here is part 2
This video shows what successful actors aim for, for playing their roles perfectly.

It is clear that satan is doing what he did to Eve in the Garden of Eden, teaching us half-truths that will eventually lead to our downfall… and if adults are susceptible to these kinds of teachings, what more for an innocent child? A child that is very special to Jesus, someone who has no malice, has no firm understanding of what is right and what is wrong. Since children are special to God these are the most likely target of satan.

We all know of superheroes we see in comics and on television, it is also seen how absurdly powerful some beings are. They seem to be more powerful than God, and the deeds of Jesus in the bible seem poor in comparison to their abilities, making them these new-age gods. People even forget that this is just from someone’s wild imagination, undoubtedly influenced by satan, and that there is a real LIVING GOD that is infinitely more powerful. If you look a little closer, you can see similarities between these beings and how God is described in the bible. Undoubtedly another counterfeiting attempt of satan.
There are shows that target children at a really young age. We always thought that it is okay for them to watch these shows since it is for children, no violence, the villain is always defeated, and always has a happy ending. Little did we know the hidden messages from these shows that we are exposing the children. This video will hopefully open our eyes to that.

Here are a few more videos exposing children to satan’s truth. Click here

It is my prayer that our eyes be open so we won’t be deceived by satan and be with God in heaven.

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